Master projects and theses

How does turbulence control the size of aggregates of Trichodesmium, a key ocean fertilizer?

Contact: Dr. Jonasz Słomka 

The goal is to expose Trichodesmium cultures to controlled mixing levels and observe, through microscopic imaging, how mixing impacts aggregation.

Applying a novel microfluidic membrane device to the characterization of biofilm hydraulic resistance

Contact: Dr. Sam Charlton, Dr. Eleonora Secchi

The goal is to compile a dataset of hydraulic resistances and structural properties of bacterial biofilms using a library of biofilm ECM mutants. There is flexibility for the student to suggest complementary experiments using the microfluidic platform.

Microfluidic investigation of bacterial interactions in the leaf microbiome

Contact: Dr. Stefano Ugolini

The goal is to screen a collection of natural isolates from leaves for potential interactions, monitor their growth patterns in space and time, and correlate them with physical aspects. There is flexibility for the student to suggest complementary experiments using the microfluidic platform.

Quantifying the Relevance of Fine-Scale Hydraulics for Fish Stranding from Field Experiments

Contact: Joël Wittmann, Dr. Luiz Silva

The goal of the Master Project is to quantify the hydraulic variables with high resolution from the raw data and to statistically assess their relevance for stranding.

Biophysics of bacteria-phytoplankton interactions

Contact: Riccardo Foffi, Dr. Jonasz Słomka

Perform agent-based simulations of bacteria-phytoplankton systems, investigating how different physical properties (bacterial speed, swimming strategy, phytoplankton shape and size…) modulate uptake and interaction rates. There is flexibility for the student to suggest complementary studies.

Assessing the impact of groundwater policies on groundwater dynamics in Fergana, Uzbekistan

Project in collaboration with the consulting company Hydrosolutions.

Contact: Dr. Beatrice Marti, Dr. Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez

To update and refine an existing water balance of the Sokh aquifer and the corresponding numerical groundwater model of the Sokh aquifer in the Fergana Valley and evaluate the impact of water policy changes and water management projects.

How often do bacteria exchange genes in aquatic environments?

Contact: Dr. Jonasz Słomka

Completion of the development of a method to measure the frequency of bacterial conjugation events as a function of the conjugation rate and its application in varying conditions.

Software development for automated study of freshwater ecology

Contact: Dr. Frederic de Schaetzen & Dr. Luiz Martins da Silva

Calibrate the novel iteration of the Riverine Organism Drift Imager (RODI) and develop a script in Python to select only images of interest for recording to extend the autonomous field deployment time.



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