
We strive to make micro scale processes and microbial interactions ‘come to life’,
through both experimental and conceptual images and videos.
Feel free to download them and please credit them as indicated.

FISH swimming motions during peak flow

During high discharge conditions, brown trout parr display swimming modes aimed at conserving energy (hatchery fish: yellow; wild fish: green). “Bow riding” in the upstream (upper panels) and “Entraining” in the downstream of a cobble (lower panels) produce distinctive body posture patterns characterised in terms of tail tip offset L and orientation angle 𝜃 (right panels). 

Credits: Robert Naudascher


Growth and division of the marine phytoplankton D. brightwellii, with chloroplast autofluorescence shown in green.

Credits: Oliver Müller

Streamer Formation

Phase-contrast video of P. aeruginosa PA14 WT biofilm streamers tethered to a micropillar.

Credits: Savorana et al., Softmatter 2022

Fish swimming in flow

Credits: Robert Naudascher

Trichodesmium filaments

Credits: Jonasz Slomka

Trichodesmium filaments gliding on each other on a glass surface and reversing their motion direction (smart reversal).

See paper – Pfreundt U, Slomka J et al. in Science, 2022.

How nutrients spread in a turbulent sea

Credits: John Taylor and Roman Stocker;
see paper in Science, 2012.

FTLE reveals chaotic mixing in dense bacterial suspensions

Dense bacterial suspensions undergo collective motion which dramatically stretches and folds its fluid, indicative of chaotic mixing. Degree of mixing quantified by analysis of the FTLE field.

Credits: Dr. Richard Henshaw

Cutta Cutta

Cutta the cat drinking milk (67x slower).

Credits: Pedro Reis, Sunny Jung, Jeff Aristoff and Roman Stocker; see paper in Science, 2010.

Diatom-associated bacteria

A diatom-associated widespread marine bacteria causing morphological changes and ultimately cell lysis of T. rotula.

Credits: Isobel Short, Clara Martinez-Pérez, Uria Alcolombri

Marine Snow